Sunday, August 19, 2012

Why I started this blog!

I would like to dedicate my very first blog to WHY I started this blog! 

As you may already know from reading the "About me" section I'm a fashion lover and I also enjoy writing. I decided to combine my two interest together by creating this blog. I consider this my fashion diary to discuss various fashion topics with you. My goal is to share my personal experiences in the fashion Industry. In this blog I will also give fashion tips to enlighten you on bargain shopping. How to get luxurious looks for an affordable price and still look marvelous.  I'll be giving you the latest trends so you can be up to date with today's fashion. I'll be posting pictures of very nice outfits I come across. Interviews will be held with people that have a great sense of style.

I hope you enjoy this blog and it's helpful for you as well. I would love to get your feedback so feel free to reply to each one of my blogs. 

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